6 states face unfilled anesthesiology residency positions

On March 21, the National Resident Matching Program released statistics for the 2025 match cycle, which began March 17. 

Of 43,237 total open positions, 94.1% have been filled in 2025. In addition, a majority of anesthesiology residency positions have also been filled. 

Here are the number of filled anesthesiology residency positions by state in 2025:

Alabama: 21

Alaska: Zero

Arizona: 19

Arkansas: 15

California: 250

Colorado: 26

Connecticut: 40

Delaware: Zero

District of Columbia: 17

Florida: 138 (one unfilled position) 

Georgia: 25

Hawaii: Zero

Idaho: Zero

Illinois: 113 (one unfilled position)

Indiana: 38

Iowa: 15

Kansas: 19

Kentucky: 31

Louisiana: 35 (one unfilled position)

Maine: Eight

Maryland: 51

Massachusetts: 145

Michigan: 95

Minnesota: 28

Mississippi: 10

Missouri: 46 (one unfilled position) 

Montana: Zero

Nebraska: 16

Nevada: Eight

New Hampshire: Nine

New Jersey: 59 (one unfilled position)

New Mexico: 13

New York: 304

North Carolina: 47

North Dakota: Zero

Ohio: 94 (one unfilled position)

Oklahoma: 14

Oregon: 16

Pennsylvania: 121

Rhode Island: 28

South Carolina: 24

South Dakota: Zero

Tennessee: 34

Texas: 141

Utah: 16

Vermont: Six

Virginia: 39

Washington: 37

West Virginia: Nine

Wisconsin: 37

Wyoming: Zero

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