At least 8% of gastroenterologists have contemplated suicide, according to Medscape’s 2025 “Gastroenterologists and Suicide Report,” published March 28.
Here are nine additional things to know about the problem among GI specialists:
1. While 8% of GIs have had suicidal ideations, 0% of surveyed providers have attempted suicide.
2. Around 34% of GIs know at least one other physician that has contemplated suicide.
3. In addition, 18% of GIs know at least one medical support staffer that has contemplated suicide, and 9% of GIs know at least one administrator.
4. Over one-fourth of GIs (28%) believe that suicide is a very significant issue for the profession. An additional 29% believe the issue is significant.
5. Almost half of GIs (49%) believe the medical profession has hardly addressed physician suicide.
6. Around 2 in 3 GIs who considered suicide believe their profession played a role in the issue. Nearly a fourth (24%) said it played a dominant role, while 42% said it played an important role.
7. While 32% of GIs did not confide in anyone about suicidal ideations, nearly half (48%) confided in a therapist.
8. Of the GIs who did not seek help for suicidal ideations, 49% said it was because they can deal with the issue without professional help. An additional 41% were worried about the risks of disclosing to a medical board.
9. Nearly half (47%) of GIs believe that another physician would get involved if they heard about suicidal ideations.
The post 8% of GIs have considered suicide: 10 notes on the problem appeared first on Becker’s ASC.