Amy Goldstein

Author's posts

Biden administration eases restrictions on prescribing treatment for opioid addiction

New guidelines waive training for doctors to prescribe buprenorphine and allow more health-care workers to give prescriptions.

The public’s concerns over the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine are widespread, Post-ABC poll finds

Fewer than 1 in 4 unvaccinated adults say they would be willing to get the Johnson & Johnson shot.

Biden administration removes Trump-era restrictions on fetal tissue research

NIH reverses internal ban on purchase of fetal tissue and eliminates ethics review for grant applications from university researchers.

Biden administration poised to change Trump restrictions on fetal tissue research

HHS secretary says NIH will make an announcement Friday, potentially restoring research that uses cells from abortions.

Should health-care workers be required to get coronavirus shots? Companies grapple with mandates.

Nearly 6 in 10 medical workers say they would support vaccine mandates, a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows.