April Dembosky

Author's posts

The ultimate green burial? Human composting lets you replenish the earth after death

Only seven states have legalized human composting as a burial practice. That’s why 29 percent of the bodies brought to Recompose, a composting facility in Seattle, come from out of state.

Doctors are pushing Hollywood for more realistic depictions of death and dying on TV

Clinicians who work with people at the end of life say the most common television depictions of death aren’t representative of what happens in the real world. They want to flip the script.

At new mental health courts in California, judges will be able to mandate treatment

In several California counties, new mental health courts open up in October. Officials hope to persuade people with psychosis to accept treatment. Critics say, it looks more like coercion.

California grads headed to HBCUs in the South prepare for college under abortion bans

As young adults prepare to leave blue states and head to historically black colleges in states where abortion is banned, they’re getting ready to safeguard their reproductive health during college.

Health department medical detectives find 84% of U.S. maternal deaths are preventable

More than half of these deaths occur well after the mom leaves the hospital. To save lives, mothers need more support in the “fourth trimester, that time after the baby is born,” one researcher says.

Health department medical detectives find 84% of U.S. maternal deaths are preventable

More than half of these deaths occur well after the mom leaves the hospital. To save lives, mothers need more support in the “fourth trimester, that time after the baby is born,” one researcher says.

California lawmakers ramp up efforts to become a sanctuary state for abortion rights

California lawmakers are considering 13 bills that would expand access to abortion and welcome women from states where abortion is being banned or restricted.

It’s not just doctors and nurses. Veterinarians are burning out, too

A spike in pandemic pets is increasing shortages and burnout among veterinarians — a field that already had high rates of suicide. A new mental health initiative offers professional help for free.

Once On The Brink Of Eradication, Syphilis is Raging Again

Syphilis cases in California have contributed to soaring national caseloads of sexually transmitted diseases. Experts point to the advent of dating apps, condom fatigue and an increase in meth.

California Is Overriding Its Limits On Nurse Workloads As COVID-19 Surges

The state has a law strictly regulating nurse-to-patient staffing ratios in hospitals. But the governor recently said hospitals could lift those limits in pandemic times, and nurses are crying foul.