Thirty-one percent of physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians are paying off their student loans, according to Medscape’s “Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2022.”
Dallas-based United Surgical International Partners is strengthening its position as the leading ASC operator in the U.S., with its latest partnership adding 22 ASCs and more than 140 physicians to its network.
The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for a medical office building that includes an independent spine and orthopedic ASC, The Chattanoogan reported June 22.
As operation costs skyrocket and reimbursements stagnate, ASCs are facing huge challenges to maintaining profitability. Here are five factors that can make or break ASCs in the coming years, according to seven ASC leaders.
Prior authorization is a big part of private practice physicians’ jobs, but it’s among the least popular parts of healthcare for providers of all kinds. The good news: There are signs that reform is gaining momentum.
ASC surgery volume is projected to grow 25 percent in the next decade, according to an analysis from Sg2 Healthcare Intelligence, a Vizient company focused on market analytics and insights.
The Federal Trade Commission has taken aim against a private-equity firms’ healthcare deal in a move regulators say could spell trouble for other healthcare agreements the agency deems anticompetitive, The Wall Street Journal reported recently.