Becker's Hospital Review | Healthcare News & Analysis

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5 most expensive, most affordable states for healthcare

North Carolina is the most expensive state for healthcare, and Hawaii is the most affordable, according to one new analysis.

HCA California hospital has 3x more complaints than statewide average

Thousand Oaks, Calif.-based Los Robles Medical Center continues to face state citations due to understaffing and a lack of care for patient well-being and consistently ranks above the statewide average of complaints, local news outlet The Echo reported…

Change attack, disruptors will test hospital finances: Kaufman Hall

National data on hospital financials has so far reflected a strong start to the year, but challenges are likely ahead in wake of the massive Change Healthcare cyberattack and amid increasing competition from disruptors, according to Kaufman Hall’s late…

Tufts expands access to virtual care

Burlington, Mass.-based Tufts Medicine entered into a partnership with AI-powered virtual clinic Curai Health to expand access to virtual care. 

What hospital-at-home leaders can learn from hospitalists

To truly scale “hospital at home,” its leaders should take a page from hospitalists, a similarly disruptive care model that grew exponentially, two physician leaders wrote in Health Affairs.

'Double extortion' ransomware group claims hospital hack 

A ransomware group that specializes in “double extortion” has claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on an Oklahoma hospital, HIPAA Journal reported.

25 best healthcare software companies, per Healthcare Technology Report

Healthcare Technology Report released its list of the top 25 healthcare software companies of 2024.

Cleveland Clinic's program that saves $8K per patient

The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic produced an average savings of $8,705 per patient by providing virtual second opinions, a recent analysis found.

FDA approves Merck drug for rare lung disorder

On March 26, the FDA approved a drug from Merck to treat adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension — a rare, progressive lung condition. 

Teen who posed as PA at 2 hospitals gets prison time

A teenager who posed as a physician assistant at two Texas hospitals was sentenced to five years in prison March 26, NBC affiliate KRIS 6 News reported.