In creating new C-suite roles within healthcare, hospitals and health systems have cited reasons as varied as seeing new opportunities for growth or finding gaps in coverage as their motivation.
Robin Damschroder’s recent promotion from executive vice president and CFO to executive vice president, president of value-based enterprise and CFO of Detroit-based Henry Ford Health comes at an exciting time for the health system, as it recently launc…
As the U.S. healthcare industry mitigates a critical shortage of intravenous fluids, experts predict the supply strain will alleviate by early December, Bloomberg reported Nov. 5.
Assessments for late-career physician competencies vary substantially by system, but many leaders said in a recent study they were satisfied with their procedures.
As the healthcare industry continues to see changes and competitive pressures, many health systems are branching out past their local markets to increase care delivery and provide sustainable growth through cross-market mergers.