Blake Farmer

Author's posts

U.S. Hospitals Try To Bend But Not Break As They Wait For COVID-19 Vaccine To Kick In

Many U.S. hospitals are struggling to find enough space and staff to treat COVID-19 patients. The surge in the coronavirus has made them come up with creative treatment and staffing solutions.

As Hospitals Fill With COVID-19 Patients, Medical Reinforcements Are Hard To Find

Last spring, nurses and doctors traveled to New York and other COVID hot spots to help overwhelmed hospitals. But with the virus spreading everywhere, hospitals now have nowhere to turn for help.

Hospitals Across U.S. Find Themselves Understaffed, With No Reinforcements Available

Nurses and doctors across the U.S. pitched in when New York City was overwhelmed with the coronavirus. Now with the pandemic simmering coast to coast, hospitals can’t count on reinforcements.

Medicaid’s Future Hinges On Who Wins The White House

The Trump administration has given states ways to restrict spending on the government insurance program for low-income Americans. A Biden administration would expand Medicaid coverage.

Medicaid’s Future Hinges On Who Wins The White House

The Trump administration has given states ways to restrict spending on the government insurance program for low-income Americans. A Biden administration would expand Medicaid coverage.

How Presidential Election Could Reshape Medicaid

Medicaid provides health care for millions of low-income Americans. The presidential election could reshape Medicaid — at a critical moment for health care.

Hospital Bills For Uninsured COVID-19 Patients Are Covered, But No One Tells Them

The CARES Act provides funds to pay medical bills for uninsured COVID-19 patients. But the death of a young man in Nashville shows people often don’t know about the program until it’s too late.

Nearly Two-Thirds Of U.S. Households Struck By COVID-19 Face Financial Trouble

Plus, of all U.S. homes that include someone with a disability, 63% report serious financial hardship during the pandemic, and 37% have used up all or most of their savings.

Challenges Of Ensuring Diversity In Coronavirus Vaccine Trials

There’s a push to have minority volunteers take part in coronavirus vaccine trials. Recruitment is happening, but it often means overcoming a deep-seated mistrust of the medical system.

As COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Move At Warp Speed, Recruiting Black Volunteers Takes Time

Some pharmaceutical companies are well into the final phase of clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine. But efforts to recruit patients from minority groups are just beginning.