Dan Diamond

Author's posts

Biden ban on menthol cigarettes to be delayed amid political concerns, officials say

Critics of the ban have warned it could anger some Black smokers who favor the products and hurt President Biden’s reelection prospects.

Biden picks Vanderbilt physician to lead National Cancer Institute

W. Kimryn Rathmell, a prominent cancer researcher, will oversee initiatives intended to reduce the cancer death rate and speed up clinical breakthroughs.

Bertagnolli confirmed as new head of National Institutes of Health

The cancer surgeon will lead America’s flagship biomedical agency after a dispute between a key senator and the White House threatened to derail her nomination.

New York City’s new goal: Everyone lives to at least 83

Public health experts hope New York’s plan to improve life expectancy can be a model for other cities as the nation grapples with a spike in premature deaths.

Republicans delay more than $1 billion in HIV program funding

The funding delays are the latest complication facing PEPFAR, a life-saving program that has been ensnared in a broader political fight around abortion.

NIH taps Jeanne Marrazzo to succeed Fauci as infectious-disease chief

The Alabama physician is likely to face scrutiny from lawmakers and watchdog groups that have taken aim at the National Institutes of Health.

Lifesaving HIV program faces a new threat: U.S. abortion politics

PEPFAR, credited with saving millions of lives, has been abruptly bogged down in a domestic political fight.

Is this the ugliest building in Washington? HHS doesn’t think so.

Few D.C. buildings are judged more harshly than the health agency’s 876,000-square-foot headquarters.

U.S. cuts funding to Wuhan lab embroiled in pandemic probes

The federal government cited the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s failure to turn over key documents about its work on coronaviruses.

White House planning to tap retired general to lead new pandemic office

Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs, the planned pick, would lead the office amid concerns that efforts to brace for the next global health crisis are flagging.