About 2 in 100 Swedish boys who were born to mothers with PCOS became obese during childhood, compared with about 1 in 100 for boys whose mothers did not have PCOS, a study shows.
Research involving Danish babies has yielded a great deal about previously unknown viruses — and the best view yet of the makeup of the infant gut microbiome.
Researchers looked at 10 studies that included genetic data from over 80,000 men of African descent, comparing data from 19,378 men with prostate cancer and 61,620 healthy men.
Scientists collected nearly 54,000 photos from the Instagram accounts of 90 food influencers, then used machine learning to study everything about them.
Using genetic data from over 100,000 women worldwide, researchers determined that a variety of reproductive factors were associated with higher risk for atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke.