Frances Stead Sellers

Author's posts

Formula shortage is worst for low-income families, high-risk infants

The most vulnerable children have been hardest hit by the formula shortage, including those whose parents are unable to spend hours searching for formula online or in person, and preemies and medically complex babies who require specialized nutritional…

CDC investigating 109 cases of hepatitis among children, five deaths

The cases of acute hepatitis have been found in 25 states and 20 countries. Scientists have been unable to pinpoint the cause. Doctors stress the cases remain rare and urge parents not to panic but be on alert for unusual signs such as jaundice, dark u…

A disaster response expert reflects on health of Ukraine’s refugees

Paul Spiegel, of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, talks about his time in Poland and other countries neighboring Ukraine acting as emergency coordinator for refugee health.

Unusual cases of hepatitis in children: Your questions, answered

Acute hepatitis cases have developed among previously healthy children around the world, including some in the United States. The cause is unknown, and parents should not worry unduly, experts said.

Covid cases rise in Northeast as BA.2 omicron subvariant takes hold

Experts say early signs suggest Americans do not need to fear a repeat of the explosion of winter cases that overwhelmed the health-care system and led to mass disruptions across the economy as millions fell ill at once.

How long covid is accelerating a revolution in medical research

The experiences of long covid patients are advancing a revolution in research not just for covid but also many other conditions. Patients, who have typically been only subjects in the research process, are becoming partners in it.

Mental health experts turn to video conferencing to provide psychological support for Ukrainians

The crisis in Ukraine has unleashed a network of online mental health experts, some refashioning routine virtual care in response to the war; others providing psychological first aid for refugees or support for local therapists who suddenly find themse…

Patient who received a genetically modified pig’s heart has died, hospital says

David Bennett Sr., the first person in the world to receive a genetically modified pig’s heart, died Tuesday, according to officials at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Bennett underwent the groundbreaking transplant Jan 7.

Coronavirus vaccination may soon be available for children younger than 5, prompting elation and questions

News that vaccines for children ages 6 months to 5 years may be available by the end of the month has elicited relief – and questions about the approach the companies are taking for emergency use authorization.

West Virginia’s governor wants residents to get vaccinated for his dog. But not enough are getting the shot.

The state’s vaccination rate is among the lowest in the country, and officials are trying to change that one person at a time rather than through mandates.