Author's posts

Only 10 percent of kids with ADHD grow out of it as adults, research says

The report  paints a picture of an on-again, off-again disorder for adults, with symptoms fluctuating depending on life circumstances.

The sleep gap: If you’re wealthy, you probably get plenty. If you’re poor or a minority, you may not, research finds

Sleep deficits are robbing poor people and racial minorities of health and earning power. What can be done?

95-year-old might have found the key to longevity: A purposeful life

Olga Murray, co-founder of a nonprofit group aiding Nepalese children, is still active, fit and happy — possibly because she’s helping others in the world.

Diane Rehm tackles ‘death with dignity’ again, this time in a new documentary

“I am very hopeful this film will get more people talking about it,” she says in a Q&A.

A new treatment may halt cluster headaches. But some say psychedelic drugs are the real answer.

Activists have won the help of key allies in academia and pharmaceutical industry to study the effectiveness of magic mushrooms and LSD.

Sleep-deprived kids have gotten a break with remote learning’s later start times. Some hope it’s a wake-up call for schools.

The varying experiences offer educators a glimpse of the effects of later schedules. But will the past year yield enough evidence to persuade them to change?