The CMS is drastically reducing the number of navigators who will receive grants this year to assist with exchange enrollment. Under the new criteria, navigators can help people enroll in non-ACA health plans.
Tennessee Oncology, New York Cancer & Blood Specialists and West Cancer Center combined their 225 cancer physicians, 60 locations and 158,000 patients to create Nashville-based OneOncology.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America announced on Wednesday that Baltimore City Health Commissioner Dr. Leana Wen will serve as its sixth president beginning in November. She’ll be the first physician to lead the organization in nearly 50 years.
Two-thirds of the health systems analyzed in a new report saw operating income fall as revenue reduction outpaced cost-cutting. The largest for-profit systems experienced the steepest declines.
Monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics’ jobs report data show the ambulatory sector has led U.S. healthcare hiring since at least the beginning of 2018, driven by healthcare services migrating into outpatient settings.
Dr. David Shulkin, whose departure from the VA was announced through Twitter this past spring, will be chief innovation officer at Sanford Health in South Dakota.
The House GOP’s proposal would relax Obamacare’s provisions for employers, from the employer mandate to the 30-hour definition for full-time work. But it’s unlikely that the Senate will pick up the $58 billion legislation.
The FCC will give $100 million to pilot projects to bring telehealth to underserved people. In doing so, it stands to improve outcomes, according to comments submitted to the agency.