Selena Simmons-Duffin

Author's posts

What To Do If You Just Lost Health Insurance With Your Job

The coronavirus pandemic poses both a public health and an economic crisis. Squarely in the middle of those concerns are fears about medical bills and loss of employer-provided health insurance.

Some Insurers Waive Patients’ Share Of Costs For COVID-19 Treatment

Aetna, Cigna and Humana now say they will waive most treatment costs associated with COVID-19 that would normally be picked up by patients enrolled in their health plans. Will other firms follow suit?

States Get Creative To Find And Deploy More Health Workers In COVID-19 Fight

To stop COVID-19, retired doctors are signing up to take clinical shifts. Specialists, including dentists, could move to front line care. And med students are fielding calls in overwhelmed clinics.

Are U.S. Hospitals Ready?

Here’s what it will take for medical facilities across the nation to handle the coming surge of COVID-19 patients.

What U.S. Hospitals Must Do To Prepare For The COVID-19 Surge

Public health experts are trying to figure out if U.S. hospitals are ready for a possible surge of COVID-19 cases. When there are more serious cases than a hospital can handle, more patients die.

You Have A Fever And A Dry Cough. Now What?

Whether your mild or moderate symptoms mean you have a cold, the flu, or COVID-19 doesn’t change the medical advice right now. Stay home, rest, and call or email your doctor if symptoms worsen.

Where That $8.3 Billion In U.S. Coronavirus Funding Will And Won’t Go

President Trump and Congress Friday authorized a package of emergency funding to help and treat and slow the spread of COVID-19. About $950 million is designated for state and local response.

What’s In The $8.3B Coronavirus Aid Package

The coronavirus funding bill just signed into law by the president puts over $8 billion dollars into the epidemic response. We break down what that money is actually for, and what might be missing.

‘Whiplash’ Of LGBTQ Protections And Rights, From Obama To Trump

The Obama and Trump administrations have used their power to shape legal interpretations of “sex discrimination” in very different ways. Here’s a rundown on what’s changed for LGBTQ rights in the U.S.

The Latest On The Coronavirus Outbreak: At Least 1 Patient Dies In The U.S.

The last few days have seen dramatic developments related to the spread of COVID-19. NPR’s health policy reporter Selena Simmons-Duffin breaks down the recent updates.