Category: ASC Coding, Billing and Collections

10 procedures CMS proposes moving off the inpatient-only list in 2023

Medicare is recommending removing 10 procedures from the inpatient-only list in 2023, according to its Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule, released July 15.

Payers updating policies for ASC procedures

Four payers have updated their policy for ASC procedures since May 24:

Cigna reconsiders latest reimbursement policy

Health insurance company Cigna is delaying the implementation of its modifier 25 policy.

Top 5 ASC medical billing companies for 2023

Peninsula Daily News on July 11 released its picks for the top ASC medical billing companies for 2023.

Whistleblower suit against UPMC, physician group will proceed, judge rules

A federal judge rejected the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s bid to dismiss a whistleblower lawsuit against UPMC, its physicians group and its chair of cardiothoracic surgery, NBC affiliate WPXI reported July 7.

CMS seeks 4.43% physician fee cut in 2023

CMS has released its Medicare physician fee schedule proposed rule for 2023, which suggests further cuts to physician pay while inflation and the cost of running an independent practice continue to rise.

Centene in the headlines: 8 recent updates

Here are five recent updates on one of the country’s largest insurers: 

Same surgery cost nearly 20 times more in HOPD than ASC in California

A retired orthopedic surgeon in Fresno, Calif., was charged nearly $4,000 more for a cataract surgery at a hospital outpatient department than his wife who received the same procedure at an ASC, Kaiser Health News reported June 27. 

5 largest health insurance companies by revenue

UnitedHealthcare is the largest insurer by revenue, according to a June 2022 Value Penguin report. 

15 Texas physicians to pay $2.8M to settle kickback allegations

Fifteen Texas physicians will pay a total of $2.83 million to resolve False Claim Act allegations involving kickbacks, the Justice Department said June 28.