Category: ASC News

Indiana Senate advances physician noncompete ban

The Indiana state Senate advanced a bill that would ban noncompete agreements for physicians in the state, WNIN reported Jan. 22. 

LA wildfire ASC closures: 5 updates

Wildfires in the Los Angeles area have continued to rage on since Jan. 7, with thousands of people displaced, thousands of structures destroyed and many left homeless. 

Inflation and ASCs in 5 numbers

Here are five numbers on inflation and how its impacting ASCs in 2025:

3 highest-paid physician specialties: 8 comparisons to know

Orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and cardiologists were named the three highest-paid physician specialists in 2024, according to Medscape. 

New Mexico physician loses license following $19M in malpractice payouts

An Albuquerque-based neurosurgeon, Mark Erasmus, MD, has had his medical license revoked following $19 million in malpractice payouts involving 26 patient claims, the Albuquerque Journal reported Jan. 12. 

Why physicians should take business courses in med school

Pre-med students, for your next elective, consider bypassing the science hall and heading straight to the business school. It is increasingly likely that you will need business skills in your medical career. I learned that the hard way.

Montana NP sentenced to 5 years in prison for $62M fraud scheme

A former nurse practitioner in Butte, Montana, has been sentenced to five years in prison for falsely billing approximately $62 million to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana for vitamin B-12 injections.

5 physician fraud cases in 2025 

Becker’s has reported on five cases of physician fraud since Jan. 1:

Where noncompetes stand, by state

The fate of noncompete agreements has been in flux recently, as the Federal Trade Commission awaits change to leadership and President Donald Trump, while noncompete clauses remain the subject of lawsuits in healthcare.

Physician on-call demands by specialty

Call is mandatory for 75% of physicians, according to a report from Physician Side Gigs, an online community of more than 195,000 physicians.