Category: ASC News

Private practice could become a niche

Private practice is becoming a more difficult option for physicians in today’s economy.

Physician suing Mayo Clinic gets jury trial 

A free speech lawsuit filed by Michael Joyner, MD, against Rochester, Minn.-based Mayo Clinic is set to go before a jury in July 2025, NBC affiliate KTTC reported Feb. 15. 

The 10 most depressed physician specialties

Depression is on the rise among all physicians, with urologists facing the highest rates of mild to severe depression, according to a Feb. 20 report from the American Medical Association based on a depression and burnout survey of 7,360 specialists.&nb…

States with the lowest, highest property tax rate

Hawaii is the state with the lowest real estate property tax rate, while New Jersey is the state with the highest, according to personal finance site WalletHub.

'Layoffs beget layoffs': Why 2024 could be the year of cut costs

Less than two months into 2024, major corporations have already cut thousands of jobs nationwide in an effort to drive down costs, according to a Feb. 18 report from CNBC.

The states that do, do not have CON laws for ASCs

Certificate-of-need laws, which require healthcare providers and systems to get special permission from the state government before expanding or building a new facility, are often controversial among healthcare leaders. 

Healthcare billionaires fall short when it comes to giving back

Forbes has named the 25 most philanthropic billionaires of 2024, with the year’s 34 healthcare billionaires notably missing from the list. 

The 10 states with the fewest physician groups

Hill Physicians Medical Group is the largest active physician group in the country, with 2,258 locations, according to a Jan. 5 report from healthcare analytics company Definitive Healthcare.

Physician convicted in $2.8M Medicare scheme

A California physician was convicted for his role in a scheme that defrauded Medicare of more than $2.8 million. 

Number of active PAs by state

There are 126,634 active physician assistants in the country, according to January data from the Kaiser Family Foundation.