Category: ASC News

10 ways ASCs can counteract rising supply costs

Seemingly endless supply disruptions, rising costs of supplies and labor and decreasing reimbursements are just some of the challenges ASCs have to contend with in 2024.

Business students tackle Piedmont's ASC problem

Atlanta-based Piedmont Hospital recently tasked a group of business students with determining how the hospital could stop losing so much of its surgical business to ASCs in the area, according to a Feb. 2 report from Technique.

HCA continues to target ASCs in 2024

Nashville, Tenn.-based HCA Healthcare set its sights on outpatient care in 2023 — and based on the health system’s recent activity, 2024 is no different. 

How 1 ASC is preparing for cyberattacks

Healthcare-related cyberattacks are on the rise in the U.S., with more than 51.9 million patient records being exposed in 2022 alone. 

Why Kentucky is the worst place for physicians to retire

Kentucky has been named the worst state to retire in for 2024 by personal finance website WalletHub, followed by New Jersey and Mississippi. 

Good news, bad news for ASCs in 2024

Here are four pieces of good news and three pieces of bad news affecting the ASC industry at the moment. 

Healthcare cut 4,182 jobs in January

There were 4,182 healthcare/product industry layoffs in January, up 421% from the 802 cuts announced in December, according to a Feb. 1 report by executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

Cardiologist vs. GI vs. orthopedist pay: Key comparisons to know

The national average annual salary earned by cardiologists, gastroenterologists and orthopedic surgeons varies by $72,000 according to Medscape’s 2023 compensation reports. 

5 things to know about Optum's ASC powerhouse

Here are five things to know about SCA Health, Optum’s ASC arm:

The lowest-paying physician specialties in the last 5 years

While physician salaries are on the rise, pediatric and public health specialists consistently rank as the lowest earners, according to Medscape compensation reports.