Category: ASC News

10 workforce trends healthcare leaders should monitor

The workforce has cycled through various trends in recent months, and healthcare is no exception. 

Iowa senator proposes legislation to address physician shortages

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa is aiming to address physician shortages in the state through the passage of the DOCTORS Act, which would reallocate unused nondomestic physician waivers to states that used up all of their waivers. 

Does physician pay affect burnout?

Emergency medicine has the most burnt-out providers, according to a survey conducted by the American Medical Association.

Board rules physician found guilty of manslaughter can still practice

The Colorado state medical board ruled that Greenwood-based plastic surgeon Geoffrey Kim, MD, can continue practicing medicine after being convicted of reckless manslaughter, CBS News reported Aug. 31. 

Work-life balance among physicians: 5 numbers to know

Fifty-four percent of employed physicians are content with their work-life balance, according to a report from Medscape.

Noncompetes by state: 23 things to know

Amid growing discontent among physicians on noncompete agreements, which prohibit clinicians from joining a competing practice or setting up their own within a particular distance from their previous practice for a certain period of time, many states h…

The main reasons students decide to attend medical school

The main reason students decide to attend medical school is to help people in need, according to a new poll from Medscape published on Aug. 31. 

What medical specialties future physicians are choosing in 2023

Family and internal medicine are the most chosen physician specialties for medical students in 2023, according to Medscape’s 2023 “Medical Student Lifestyle” report, published Aug. 31. 

Why do physicians behave inappropriately? 

Changing times and acceptance of more casual behavior is the most common reason physicians believe their colleagues behave inappropriately, according to Medscape’s “Physician Behavior Report 2023.”

10 things to know about Optum

Here are 10 things to know about UnitedHealth Group’s Optum: