The estate of Judy Chambers, a 60-year-old woman who died following a surgery at Lexington (S.C.) Medical Center, has filed a lawsuit against the hospital, KKTV reported Dec. 7.
The majority of U.S. adults say it is the federal government’s responsibility to ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage, according to a recent Gallup poll.
One-third of an office tower in Irvine, Calif., is going to be converted into medical office space, according to a Dec. 8 report from the Orange County Business Journal.
A case under review by the Massachusetts Supreme Court will decide whether a physician can be held liable for failing to run certain tests a decade prior to a patient developing cardiac disease, reported Dec. 5.
In October, The Green Mountain Care Board, the governing body of the University of Vermont Medical Center, ordered University of Vermont Health Network to cut $122 million in revenue from Central Vermont Medical Center and UVMMC to stay within an impos…
Hays (Kan.) Medical Center has filed a counterclaim against general surgeon Jerod Grove, MD, who sued the hospital alleging that a noncompete clause in his employment contract unlawfully restricts him from practicing medicine in western Kansas.