The COVID-19 pandemic has had various effects on the healthcare industry, including staffing shortages and financial repercussions; however, finances are finally improving, the “2022 Physician Report” published June 14 by MedicalEconomics shows.
Dealing with paperwork and ensuring their practices were in line with quality metrics was cited as the top issue physicians faced in 2021, according to Medical Economics’ “2022 Physician Report” released June 18.
Former Arlington, Va., physician’s office manager Candie Calix, 40, admitted to her role as the ringleader of a decade-long oxycodone distribution network, the Justice Department said June 27.
Michael DeNicola, DPM, admitted to his role in a healthcare fraud scheme, distribution of opioids and illegal possession of a firearm, the Justice Department said June 29.
Twenty-two percent of physicians saw an increase in malpractice premiums in 2021 compared with 2020, according to Medical Economics’ “2022 Physician Report” released June 18.
Jeffrey Gallups, MD, owner of a chain of Alpharetta, Ga.-based medical clinics, has been sentenced to three years in prison for a scheme in which the former Georgia insurance commissioner also has been indicted, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporte…
By 2031, the global ASC market is projected to hit $130.6 billion, up from $85.4 billion in 2020, and increasing at a 3.9 percent compound annual growth rate over the next nine years, according to a report from Future Market Insights.
Covenant High Plains Surgery Center in Lubbock, Texas, is the first independent free-standing ASC in the region to complete a robot-assisted general surgery procedure using the da Vinci X surgical robot from Intuitive Surgical, according to a June 29 n…
A West Palm Beach, Fla.-based addiction recovery physician has been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay more than $31 million in restitution for his involvement in a scheme to be reimbursed for $106 million in fake medical claims, a federal court in…