Staffing shortages amid the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an increase in “no-poach” agreements to restrict employee mobility, according to a June 22 article in JDSupra.
The share of physicians reporting no significant financial losses was as large as it’s been in several years, according to Medscape’s “Physician Wealth & Debt Report 2022,” but many still reported practice issues causing financial losses.
Nurses and medical assistants are among the most difficult positions to recruit in today’s challenging healthcare labor market, which has pushed many ASCs and medical practices to increase wages and strengthen compensation packages and benefits to addr…
Hourly wages and salaries typically are the most important factors in healthcare employees’ workplace decisions, with many ASCs and medical groups bolstering their compensation packages to attract new staff in a challenging labor market.
Nurses are among the most difficult staff members for ASCs and medical practices to recruit because of a nationwide shortage attributed to increased demand due to an aging population and burnout reaching new levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.