A large majority of physicians named healthcare access and substance abuse in their top five social issues, according to Medscape’s “Physicians’ Views on Today’s Divisive Social Issues Report 2022.”
Mississippi emergency room physician Kevin Crandell, MD, was sentenced to 33 months in prison and nearly $1 million in restitution, the Daily Journal said June 7.
A Dansville, N.Y.-based physician has agreed to pay $602,662.61 to resolve allegations that he billed CMS for procedures that were never performed, WETM reported June 7.
Sixty-five percent of providers used temporary physicians to allow for the continual treatment of patients, according to AMN Healthcare’s “2022 Survey of Locum Tenens.”
A hacker stole data from ASC and imaging group Shields Health Care, jeopardizing the personal information of 2 million people across 56 practices and facilities in New England.
An Iowa physician who has been deemed a high risk to the public said a state licensing board has used a “phony” competency evaluation to discipline him, the Globe Gazette reported June 5.
ASC success boils down to CMS policy and cost management, according to Sandy Berreth, RN, administrator at Foothill Surgery Center in Santa Barbara, Calif. Below, she discusses those factors surgery centers can control and those they can’t.