Category: ASC News

Florida pain physician, CEO convicted for $4.5M fentanyl scheme

Former CEO and owner of Sarasota (Fla.) Pain Associates Steven Chun, MD, 59, was found guilty of a more than $4.5 million fentanyl kickback and bribery scheme, the Justice Department said May 24.

Salary or productivity? Surgeon pay by compensation method

Surgeons across the country have varying pay depending on their compensation method and their practice’s ownership, according to a May 2022 MGMA report.

5 highest, lowest-paying states for surgeons

Surgeons across the country have seen rising compensation since 2019, according to a May 2022 MGMA report.

Physician-owned practices are more productive, report says

Physician-owned practices reported higher levels of productivity in collections and work relative value units, according to Medical Group Management Association’s 2022 “Datadive Provider Compensation Report.”  

How ASCs can harness the power of patient choice

Understanding how to capitalize on the “power of patient choice” is critical for ASCs to stay in business, according to Joy Taylor, JD, COO of Axion Spine & Neurosurgery in Alpharetta, Ga.

5 worst places for physicians to practice, per Medscape

Idaho is the best place in the U.S. for physicians to practice medicine in 2022, according to Medscape rankings released May 20. 

25 best states for physicians to practice, per Medscape

Idaho is the best state to practice medicine in 2022, according to Medscape’s rankings released May 20. 

Surgeon pay hits 2-year high

Annual general surgeon compensation hit a two-year high March 1, according to Kaufman Hall’s “Physician Flash Report” published May 2. 

Surgeon pay hits 2-year high

Annual general surgeon compensation hit a two-year high March 1, according to Kaufman Hall’s “Physician Flash Report” published May 2. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield changes colonoscopy policy after patient complains 

Blue Cross Blue Shield has changed its colonoscopy policy after a patient in Greensboro, N.C., complained about lack of coverage, local CBS affiliate WFMY reported May 23.