The volume of ASC services per fee-for-service beneficiary fell 15.8 percent between 2019 and 2020, according to the March Medicare Payment Advisory Commission report.
Nevada has the lowest projected physician competition by 2028, according to WalletHub’s “2022 Best & Worst States for Doctors” ranking, released March 21.
Florham Park, N.J.-based Advanced Medical Practice Management was hit with a network breach in July that affected two ASCs and a gastroenterology group.
Delaware has the highest projected physician competition by 2028, according to WalletHub’s “2022 Best & Worst States for Doctors” ranking, released March 21.
Physicians are flocking to employed models — almost 70 percent of physicians reported being employed at the end of 2020, with 1 in 5 being employed by corporate entities, according to a report from Avalere.