An appeals court upheld a $9.5 million jury award after a surgeon left an 18-inch sponge in a patient’s abdomen that remained for more than five years, Medscape reported March 2.
Many ASCs continue to address surgical backlogs that healthcare facilities saw skyrocket since the COVID-19 pandemic, but one straightforward strategy is doing a great deal to keep surgery centers and their staff happy.
Turnover of primary care physicians results in about $979 million in excess healthcare expenditures annually for payers, according to a study published Feb. 26 in ScienceDirect.
A federal jury has found two pain clinic owners, a Tennessee physician and his wife, guilty of defrauding insurers, providing unnecessary services and illegally distributing opioids, the Justice Department said March 2.
While generally safe, a recent study found colorectal resection has the highest death rate for any hospital-owned ASC procedure, according to a March 2 report in General Surgery News.
There are more than 1 million physicians in the U.S., according to a January 2022 Kaiser Family Foundation report. Some states appear to be more saturated with specialists than others.
There are more than 1 million physicians in the U.S., according to a January 2022 Kaiser Family Foundation report. Texas, which is predicted to have one of the worst physician shortages by 2030, already ranks in the bottom 10 for specialists per capita.
An Evergreen, Colo.-based physician was sentenced March 1 to two years in federal prison for accepting thousands of dollars in kickbacks from Insys Therapeutics, a pharmaceutical company.