Category: ASC News

Behind the ‘wage war’ between ASCs and travel nurses

Between skyrocketing travel nurse pay and hospital sign-on bonuses, ASCs are struggling to recruit and retain nurses. 

ASCs pull an average $11.1M operating revenue: 5 stats

ASCs come in different sizes, and the gaps in operating revenue between the smallest and the largest can be tens of millions of dollars.

NYU Langone unveils new outpatient care center

NYU Langone Health has opened NYU Langone Ambulatory Care Center in New York City.

Nonprofit hospital CEOs make 8 times more than average worker and 5 more study insights

On average, nonprofit hospital CEOs make eight times more than workers without advanced degrees, according to a study of more than 1,000 hospitals by the Lown Institute.

Every orthopedic ASC in Texas, by city

Texas has the second-most orthopedic ASCs in the nation, with 343. It also has the 20th-highest per-capita rate for orthopedic ASCs, with 11.8 per 1 million residents.

This state has 0 orthopedic ASCs

Vermont, which has the second-lowest population in the U.S., has the fewest number of orthopedic ASCs: zero. 

ASCs in these states now face a federal vaccination mandate

Healthcare facilities, including ASCs, in 24 states faced their first federal COVID-19 vaccination deadline Feb. 14. 

All 50 states ranked by orthopedic ASCs per capita

One state in the U.S. has zero orthopedic ASCs, and the two states with the lowest populations sit at opposite ends of the per-capita spectrum.

10 states with the fewest orthopedic ASCs per capita

Vermont, which has the second-lowest population in the U.S., has the fewest number of orthopedic ASCs:  zero. 

ASC nurse pay flatlines

ASC nurse salary was relatively flat over the last five years, and recent data shows overall salaries haven’t increased much during the pandemic.