Category: ASC News

What leaders are saying about noncompetes

Noncompete clauses have been a divisive issue in healthcare, particularly since the Federal Trade Commission voted to ban the practice earlier this year. 

Who's conducting layoffs in healthcare?

Grappling with rising practice costs, inflation and staffing shortages has created an increasingly competitive market for health systems, practices and ASCs. Dealing with these financial headwinds has forced some care sites to lay off staff.

Washington state physician sentenced for assaulting 6 patients

A former emergency department physician at Port Angeles, Wash.-based Olympic Medical Center was sentenced to 364 days in jail for the sexual assault of six patients, Radio Pacific reported June 25. 

New York ASC hit with data breach

The Mount Kisco (N.Y.) Surgery Center was hit with a data breach affecting current and former employees and patients. 

New York ASC hit with data breach

The Mount Kisco (N.Y.) Surgery Center was hit with a data breach affecting current and former employees and patients. 

North Carolina physician practice closes abruptly 

Greenville, N.C.-based Carolina East Family Medicine’s physician office has abruptly closed, WITN reported June 25

The need-to-knows of opening an ASC

As ASCs become increasingly appealing to market players, some healthcare leaders who are not as familiar with ASC practices may be looking to open outpatient centers.

What leaders are saying about physician autonomy

Autonomy is a critical element of a physician’s career, and according to healthcare leaders, market factors such as consolidation and private equity have limited the longevity of independent physicians.

How NP pay compares to inflation

The average annual salary for nurse practitioners increased by 3% between 2023 and 2024, while inflation is currently down by 19.5%.

5 reasons physicians are turning away from medicine

More physicians are regretting choosing to pursue medicine, according to a 2023 survey from the Physicians Foundation, and here are five reasons why physicians are turning away from the practice.