Category: ASC News

Physicians and drug charges: 3 cases to know

Here are three lawsuits involving physicians and illegal drug prescription that Becker’s has reported on in the last month: 

Avoiding red tape: 1 leader's advice on opening an ASC

For physicians opening private practices, choosing where to establish a new ASC can be a difficult decision. 

The bad investments physicians are making

Fifty-one percent of physicians have made what they referred to as a bad investment in the last year, according to Medscape’s 2024 “Physician Wealth & Debt Report,” published June 12. 

What ASCs need to know about the 22.8M Medicaid disenrollments

About 22.8 million people have been disenrolled from Medicaid as of June 4, according to data from KFF.

The richest women in healthcare

The U.S. has four female billionaires who made their fortunes from the healthcare industry, according to Forbes’ live net worth tracker. 

Liver surgery may be the next big ASC procedure

A study conducted at City of Hope, a cancer research organization based in Duarte, Calif., found that robotic liver surgery can be safely conducted as an outpatient procedure.

The average net worth of physicians in 2024

Twenty-eight percent of physicians have a net worth ranging between $2 million and $4.9 million in 2024, according to Medscape’s 2024 “Physician Wealth & Debt Report,” published June 12. 

3 recent kickback lawsuits to know 

Here are three kickback lawsuits Becker’s has covered in the last month:

5 ASC, MOB updates in Florida in 1 month

Here are five updates on ASCs and medical office buildings in Florida that Becker’s has reported on since May 9:

Supreme Court to revisit contested Medicare payment ruling

The Supreme Court has accepted a petition to review a decision on a case that decreased the extra Medicare payments received by hospitals that serve larger populations of low-income patients, Bloomberg Law reported June 10.