Category: Becker’s ASC Review

'We are going to need more physicians': What's scaring this gastroenterologist about medicine's future

Gastroenterology is seeing rapid changes, as colorectal cancer cases rise and the physician shortage intensifies. 

Hopeful, but skeptical: The double-edged sword of medical advancements

While medical advancements enable ASC staff to achieve more with fewer resources, they come with their own set of challenges.

GI specialist earns inaugural endowed professorship

Steven Brant, MD, professor at New Brunswick, N.J.-based Rutgers University, has been named the inaugural recipient of the Bishr and Souha Omary Family Endowed Legacy Professorship.

Friends or foes? The evolving ASC, hospital relationship

Hospitals are increasingly looking to ASCs as procedures migrate to the outpatient setting. 

5 states with the most employed anesthesiologists 

Overall employment among anesthesiologists is expected to grow 2.6% through 2032, according to a 2024 Medicus white paper. 

Oregon physician clinic to close

Legacy Medical Group Wooburn (Ore.) Clinic will permanently close Dec. 31, The Lund Report said Oct. 15.  

Physicians file $4.5M suit against Samaritan Health Services, allege retaliation

Two surgeons have filed a whistleblower complaint against Corvallis, Ore.-based Samaritan Health Services, according to an Oct. 15 item in The Lund Report . 

What's next in the future of noncompete agreements?

In August, the FTC’s ban on noncompete agreements was struck down by a Texas federal judge. 

CRNA workforce by the numbers

There are currently 65,745 active certified registered nurse anesthetists in the United States, according to Medicus’ 2024 white paper on the anesthesia provider shortage. 

'If you're not good, you sink': Do independent physicians have an edge?

The number of employed physicians is skyrocketing, and many leaders are concerned about how this workforce evolution will affect care quality.