Category: Becker’s ASC Review

ASC chains making waves

While still a largely independent field, consolidation is on the rise in the ASC industry, with a few major players building out substantial ASC chains. 

What 7 leaders have to say about colonoscopies in 2024

Over the last year, there have been several major changes in the field of gastroenterology, especially when it comes to colonoscopies and colorectal cancer screenings. 

Where industry groups stand on site-neutral payments

Site-neutral payments are a policy proposal that many ASC and physician groups have long supported in an effort to even out payments between ASCs and HOPDs. ASCs historically receive lower reimbursements for the same procedures performed in HOPDs, desp…

The most profitable ASCs in Philadelphia

The Bryn Mawr, Pa.-based reproductive endocrinologist group, Main Line Fertility, was the busiest and highest revenue-producing ASC in the Philadelphia area in 2023, according to a Sept. 26 report from the Philadelphia Business Journal.

AANA petitions HHS to enforce non-discrimination provision

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology has filed a petition with a U.S. district court compelling Xavier Beccera, Secretary of Health and Human Services, to enforce the provider non-discrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act against …

Hartford HealthCare vies to take control of 2 ASCs

Hartford (Conn.) HealthCare has submitted a proposal to the state’s Office of Health Strategy to assume control of two surgical center operators, according to a Sept. 27 report from Hartford Business. 

Millennial physician pay satisfaction, by specialty

Millennial psychiatrists have the highest satisfaction with their pay of all other specialty physicians, according to a recent Medscape report. 

Texas physician to close private practice, join health system

Hoang Ho, MD, will be closing her private practice in Allen, Texas, and joining the Baylor Scott & White Family Medicine Clinic, according to a notice on the practice’s website.

Stark law's future in flux

The future of Stark law is “clouded by uncertainty” after a district court ruled that a false claims lawsuit filed against Thomas Health System cannot be resolved without parties’ briefs on the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent overturning of the Chevron def…

How millennial physicians feel about their pay 

Medscape laid out how young physicians feel about their pay in its “Millennial Physician Compensation Report 2024,” published Sept. 26.