Category: Becker’s ASC Review

Pass the hammer — RGI & MidAtlantic Endoscopy physicians take part in ASC construction project

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Johns Hopkins Health System plans to open ASC pavilion — And it’s seeking an administrator

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Man files lawsuit to block tax aid for TCMH surgery center — 3 notes

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Hospital CEO responds to ‘misinformation’ about ASC development, emergency facility closure

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Florida ASC first in the Southeast to purchase Mazor robot for spine surgery

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Florida ASC first in the Southeast to purchase Mazor robot for spine surgery

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Tenet could lose pair of payer contracts & more — 9 ASC company key notes

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Low health literacy linked to poorer outcomes for patients undergoing day surgery: 3 details

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Study compares outpatient vs. inpatient joint arthroplasty safety at ASC vs. hospital: 3 details

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3 key ways ASCs can improve quality through staffing

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