Category: Becker’s ASC Review

Physician owners vs. nonowners: Who earns more?

Physician owners outearned their counterparts in 2023, but the gap between the two shrunk compared to the previous year, according to Medical Economics’ 2024 “Physician Report,” published Aug. 14. 

Physicians see increase in malpractice premiums

Malpractice premiums spiked in 2023, according to Medical Economics’ 2024 Physician Report. 

Physician practices' financial statuses are worsening — here's why 

More physicians reported the financial state of their practices worsening in 2023 than 2022, according to Medical Economics’ 2024 Physician Report published Aug. 14. 

10 numbers scaring ASCs

Here are 10 numbers scaring ASCs right now:

10 most popular physician side gigs 

Thirty six-percent of physicians earned income from an employment source outside their practice in 2023, up from 34% the year prior, according to Medical Economics’ 2024 Physician Report published Aug. 14. 

UW gets $21M for imaging, AI investments to improve cancer surgery

Earlier in August, the Biden administration announced that the Seattle-based University of Washington would receive $21.1 million from President Joe Biden’s Cancer Moonshot. 

Are more frequent colonoscopies the key to stifling the CRC climb?

In 2021, the official recommended age for screening colonoscopies was decreased from 50 to 45. But with colorectal cancers on the rise in younger populations, some gastroenterologists are asking if further recommendations to colonoscopy procedures are …

What ASCs should know about Kamala Harris' economic proposals

On Aug. 16, Vice President Kamala Harris presented an economic platform for her first 100 days in office should she be elected president. 

ASC nurse leader pay accelerates

ASC nurse leaders are seeing six-figure compensation as competition for talent stays hot in many markets, according to OR Manager.

4 notes on Stark law, anti-kickback compliance

Physicians often straddle the line between roles in a practice as both employees and the central drivers of income for that business. This makes conversations around investment, growth and regulatory compliance potentially complicated, according to an …