The IT networks at San Antonio, Texas-based Baptist Medical Center and New Braunfels, Texas-based Resolute Health Hospital were infected by malicious code that allowed an unauthorized user to access the personal health information of some patients.
UChicago Medicine notified patients that an unauthorized user had access to some employee email accounts, putting protected health information of patients at risk.
Public-facing video services such as TikTok, Facebook Live and Twitch are not compliant with federal privacy regulations for use in telemedicine appointments, HHS said in a guidance.
Burlington, Vt.-based UVM Medical Center worked with Epic and its clinical and IT teams to get its health system up and running after a ransomware attack took down its IT network and applications in October, JDSupra reported June 13.
Omaha, Neb.-based CHI Health notified patients of a data breach that occured at its clinical guidance vendor, which has potentially exposed the protected health information of patients.
Yuma (Ariz.) Regional Medical Center notified patients about a ransomware attack that forced the hospital offline and potentially exposed the protected health information of patients.