University of Iowa Health Care said it did not share confidential patient information with social media giant Facebook, Iowa Capital Dispatch reported April 27.
A KLAS research report based on a survey of 48 organizations found that healthcare providers are more reactive than proactive when it comes to their cybersecurity posture.
A lawsuit filed against University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics alleges that the health system installed pixel tracking technology on its websites that shared patient data with Facebook, Iowa Capital Dispatch reported April 24.
Internet-connected medical devices that feed patient data into EHRs are expected to explode in use in the coming years, presenting a cybersecurity challenge to hospitals and health systems.
As cybersecurity becomes more integrated with a healthcare organization’s bottom line, a report from research firm Cognitive Market Research projects that the healthcare cybersecurity industry will hit $52.54 billion by 2030.
An error led to some patient information from John Muir Health Walnut Creek (Calif.) Medical to have been accessed by an unauthorized party, JDSupra reported April 18.
A patient whose nude breast cancer photos were posted online by a hacker group is asking Allentown, Pa.-based Lehigh Valley Health Network to pay the $5 million ransom to have them removed, The Wall Street Journal reported April 19.