Category: digital health

Cedars-Sinai's 3 pillars for AI strategy

Los Angeles-based Cedars-Sinai has embraced artificial intelligence for clinical and operational applications. The system built it’s AI strategy on three foundational pillars:

Boston Children's lauded by HHS for data project

Boston Children’s Hospital was recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for its CumulusQ project.

6 Cleveland Clinic-backed digital health companies

Cleveland Clinic’s Innovation studio has been active in the digital health market, investing in virtual health and EHR companies.

Doximity to cut workforce by 10%

Doximity, a digital platform for U.S. medical professionals, stated it will reduce its current workforce by 10 percent, accounting for 100 employees.

Americans' level of concern about healthcare AI, by generation

Older Americans are more concerned than their younger counterparts about artificial intelligence being used in their healthcare, business analytics firm Morning Consult reported.

Cigna looks to break into digital health

Cigna Healthcare is offering customers new digital health tools through a partnership with Virgin Pulse.

Mount Sinai to install digital AI assistant

New York City-based Mount Sinai Health System is partnering with digital health company Clearstep to install new digital and artificial intelligence tools within the system.

Babylon to exit US, seeks lifeline to avoid bankruptcy

London-based digital-first healthcare platform Babylon is undergoing a business overhaul that includes closing U.S. operations.

Sanford expands remote patient monitoring

Sanford Health Fargo (N.D.) is launching Sanford Caresignal, a remote monitoring program that allows patients to self-report symptoms via call or text.

5 digital health companies laying off workers

Large tech disruptors such as Amazon and smaller digital health companies have laid off workers as the industry experiences post-COVID-19 churn.