Category: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy

10 endoscopy centers built, proposed in 2022

Here are 10 endoscopy centers Becker’s has reported on that were built or proposed in 2022:

Meet the leaders of 16 top-ranked GI residency, fellowship programs

Meet the leaders of 16 top-ranked gastroenterology residency and fellowship programs in the U.S., based on Doximity’s regional rankings of the country’s best internal medicine residencies: 

Physician recruitment tool RosmanSearch adds gastroenterology

Physician recruitment network RosmanSearch has added gastroenterology to its list of specialty services. 

One GI expands Ohio presence

Nashville, Tenn.-based One GI has expanded its Ohio presence through a partnership with Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialists in Canton. 

3 organizations that received GI Genius modules in October

Three organizations Becker’s has reported on have installed Medtronic’s GI Genius AI endoscopy module in the last month. 

Brigham and Women’s gastroenterologist honored by American Liver Foundation

David Cohen, MD, PhD, a gastroenterologist at Boston-based Brigham and Women’s Hospital, has received the American Liver Foundation’s Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award for 2022. 

How internal medicine physician wages stack up by practice setting

Internal medicine physicians earn the highest annual salary when working in medical and diagnostic laboratories, according to the most recent compensation data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Essentia Health adds GI nurse practitioner in North Dakota

Duluth, Minn.-based Essentia Health has added a new gastroenterology specialist at its Fargo, N.D., clinic on 32nd Avenue, according to a Nov. 4 report from the Grand Forks Herald. 

Private equity-backed group gains 470+ physicians in Gastrologix acquisition

Specialty Networks, an integrated multispecialty organization, has acquired Gastrologix, a gastroenterology-focused group purchasing organization.

Inspira Health opens New Jersey outpatient endoscopy center

Inspira Health has opened a new outpatient endoscopy center in its Vineland, N.J. campus’ medical office building, according to a Nov. 3 report from ROI-NJ.