Category: Gastroenterology and Endoscopy

Average gastroenterologist salary by state 2022

The average annual salary for gastroenterologists in the U.S. is $229,004, according to career website Zippia.

Performing colonoscopies after positive stool test could lower CRC death rate: study

Performing a colonoscopy after a positive fecal immunochemical test can improve patient outcomes, according to a study published in the journal Gut.

Top 10 gastrointestinal diagnoses in 2021

Gastroesophageal reflux disease was the most diagnosed gastrointestinal condition in 2021, according to claims data in a May report from Definitive Healthcare

1st purely endoscopic appendectomy performed in Baltimore

Physicians at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore have completed the first purely endoscopic appendectomy in the nation, the hospital said May 16.

10 gastroenterologists to know

Here are 10 physicians to know who specialize in gastroenterology:

GI industry by the numbers

From compensation to case volume, here are nine statistics on gastroenterology’s changing landscape:

Gastroenterologist honored by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons United Kingdom has named Dr. Aamir Ghafoor, its PACES Champion 2021 and the best examiner in the world, The News reported May 11. 

Gastroenterologist revenue hits 2-year high: 3 notes

Median gastroenterologist revenue hit a two-year high on March 1, according to Kaufman Hall’s “Physician Flash Report” published May 2. 

GI Research Foundation honors Dr. David Rubin

The GI Research Foundation has given the Joseph B. Kirsner Award to David Rubin, MD, the foundation said May 11. 

Endoscopy before age 50 linked to lower risk of colorectal cancer in women 

Women who started endoscopic screenings at age 45 had a 50 percent to 60 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to those who didn’t screen at all, according to research published May 5 in JAMA Network Open.