The national average salary for gastroenterologists who have been practicing for 15-21 years in any practice setting is $440,000, according to Medscape’s Salary Explorer’s Salary Explorer.
From declining Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements to complex CPT code requirements, CMS policies present a major challenge to gastroenterology practices. Here, five of the specialists discuss the policies that are hitting them the hardest.
Augusta (Ga.) University Health is the first in the state to offer artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopy, ABC affiliate News Channel 6 reported April 12.
Orlando (Fla.) Health Digestive Health Institute Gastroenterology has opened a gastroenterology-focused ASC, Lakeview Surgery Center, in southwest Orlando.
Significant racial disparities have been found in the surgical care of gastrointestinal tract cancers, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open.