Category: Health Economics (Journal)

Testing the myth of fee‐for‐service and overprovision in health care

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Issue Information

Health Economics, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 445-446, April 2019.

Why prevent when it does not pay? Prevention when health services are credence goods

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Measuring patient trust: Comparing measures from a survey and an economic experiment

Health Economics, EarlyView.

For better or worse? Investigating the validity of best–worst discrete choice experiments in health

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Heterogeneous effects of obesity on mental health: Evidence from Mexico

Health Economics, EarlyView.

Can the unemployed be trained to care for the elderly? The effects of subsidized training in elderly care

Health Economics, EarlyView.

The impact of integration on outpatient chemotherapy use and spending in Medicare

Health Economics, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 517-528, April 2019.

Unmet health care and health care utilization

Health Economics, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 529-542, April 2019.

The price elasticity of quantity, and of quality, for tobacco products

Health Economics, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 587-593, April 2019.