VA Roseburg (Ore.) Health Care System is one of the few VA medical facilities to go live with the Cerner EHR system, but due to its ongoing troubles, it will reset the system to fix its issues, The News-Review reported May 12.
NextGen Healthcare, a provider of EHR software, is facing seven lawsuits after a March data breach compromised the protected health information of more than 1 million patients, Bloomberg Law reported May 12.
Newmarket, N.H.-based Community Health Access Network, a network that delivers training and assistance to 250 providers across New Hampshire, Vermont and Texas, is tapping athenaOne as its new EHR partner.
The Department of Veterans Affairs and Oracle executives testified before Congress on May 9 about the ongoing issues associated with the pharmacy functions of its Cerner EHR system that contributed to the death of a veteran in Ohio, The Spokesman Revie…
EHRs are ubiquitous in healthcare and present a great way for resident physicians to free up time to spend at the patient bedside, the American Medical Association wrote May 9.
Veterans Charlie Bourg and Charlie Monroe are continuing a yearslong protest against the Cerner EHR system at Spokane, Wa.-based Mann-Grandstaff Veterans Medical Center, The Spokesman Review reported May 9.
A recent UC San Diego Health study found that ChatGPT may be better at providing more empathetic answers to patient questions. Using that information as a catalyst, the health system launched a pilot in which Epic and Microsoft’s generative AI technolo…