Category: Health IT

No golf or alcohol: How Epic runs user group meetings

Epic founder and CEO Judy Faulkner says the EHR vendor is able to run successful user group meetings without the aid of alcohol or golf.

10 hospitals, health systems seeking EHR talent

Three of the top vendors hospitals use to participate in the Medicare EHR incentive program are Oracle Cerner, Epic and Meditech, according to ONC data. Here are 10 hospitals and health systems that have posted job listings seeking EHR and IT expertise…

5 health systems enhancing their EHRs

Health systems nationwide are looking to outfit their EHRs with the latest tech. 

VA spending on Cerner EHR contract increased by 300% since 2018

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ spending on its Cerner EHR system has increased by 300 percent since its inception in 2018, Bloomberg Law reported May 1. 

What 3 hospitals are paying for EHR installs

A new EHR system can be a costly installation process for hospitals.

Breaking into health innovation: tips and insights from a physician innovator [PODCAST]

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we welcome Jay Shah, a cardiologist and health care executive, to discuss the future of health care. Jay shares his personal journey and insights on how to get started in h…

The unintended consequences of feeding company data into ChatGPT: a guide to safeguarding your intellectual property

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly integrating AI-powered tools, such as ChatGPT by OpenAI, to enhance productivity and automate processes. However, using these tools without understanding the implications of fe…

A 'safe' win for provider efficiency: Hospital IT execs on Epic's AI partnership with Microsoft

Hospital and health system CIOs and chief information security officers have mixed reviews of Epic Systems integrating generative AI technology into its EHR software; while some say it is a win for provider efficiency, others caution that this emerging…

VA's Cerner EHR budget could be revised due to rollout pause

The Department of Veterans Affairs could lose $400 million from its budget for its Cerner EHR modernization project due to the recent halt of the system rollout at other VA medical facilities, FCW reported April 27. 

VA stoppage, Big Tech partners, billionaires list: Oracle Cerner in the past 30 days

From partnerships with Microsoft, Zoom and Deloitte to hiring a former Trump administration official to the stoppage of its Department of Veterans Affairs EHR rollout, Oracle Cerner has had a busy 30 days.