Category: Health IT

It’s time we get the technology working for the patients, and not make their lives more difficult

In a world where, in a moment, I can order from thousands of items and have them delivered to my doorstep the same or next day at the press of a button without having to re-enter my name, address, and billing information each time, it would seem that f…

4 executive leadership moves at Cerner this year

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Texas Health Aetna to provide free virtual behavioral healthcare services

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VA launches EHR training program for Cerner rollout

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Athenahealth ex-CEO joins primary care startup

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Athenahealth appoints new CFO: 4 things to know

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If you spend more than 80 percent of your day staring at a screen, you are no longer a doctor

The use of health care information technology has increased exponentially over the last five years, and as a frontline physician, I have seen this change at close quarters. In most of the hospitals I’ve worked in up and down the East Coast, it’s been i…

3 critical insights for EHR customization efforts: MidMichigan Health chief innovation officer

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Physician viewpoint: EHRs provide more support for systems’ fiscal health than patients’

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Cerner names first chief marketing officer: 4 notes

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