Salt Lake City-based Intermountain Healthcare’s value-based care subsidiary, Castell, has partnered with virtual chronic care provider Omada Health to offer virtual diabetes care and prevention to patients.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has rolled out a new telehealth indicator that helps beneficiaries and caregivers find clinicians who provide telehealth services.
This survey looks at the public’s health care priorities for the new Congress, including price transparency, mental health, abortion, Medicaid, and health costs. It also looks at the public’s views of the main health provisions in the Inflation Reducti…
Only 15 percent of patients who were eligible for Medicare fee-for-service telehealth used the service in the second quarter of 2022, according to a Dec. 15 telehealth utilization report from CMS.
Two House members said that congress is trying to expand Medicare’s virtual flexibilities beyond the public health emergency, NextGov reported Dec. 14.
Telehealth reduces primary care spending, as telehealth utilization has been associated with lower emergency department utilization and inpatient hospitalizations, according to a Dec. 13 study published in Nature.