Category: Hospital Executive Moves

Bronson hospital names chief medical officer

Bronson Battle Creek (Mich.) Hospital has named Ali Ghasham, MD, vice president and chief medical officer. 

Dartmouth hospital CFO retires

Keene, N.H.-based Cheshire Medical Center CFO Dan Gross has retired, according to a May 3 post on his LinkedIn page. 

17 CFO moves in April

Ascension and Renown Health were among the hospitals and health systems that named new CFOs in April. 

Brigham and Women's Hospital taps MetroHealth exec as CNO

Boston-based Brigham and Women’s Hospital has appointed Julia Mason, DNP, RN, chief nursing officer and senior vice president of patient care services, effective June 11. 

California hospital dismisses CEO

The board for John C. Fremont Healthcare District in Mariposa, Calif., has dismissed the CEO after less than five months on the job, the Mariposa Gazette reported May 2.

WVU Medicine names revenue cycle VP

Morgantown, W.Va.-based WVU Medicine has named Beth Carlson vice president of revenue cycle. 

VCU Health hospital names chief nursing officer

VCU Health Tappahannock (Va.) Hospital has named L’Andrea McLaughlin, RN, DNP, chief nursing officer. She had been serving as CNO in an interim capacity since January. 

McLeod Health names chief nursing officer of Myrtle Beach campus

Beth Hicks, RN, BSN, has been named chief nursing officer of McLeod Health Carolina Forest in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

California hospital CFO retiring, successor named

Porterville, Calif.-based Sierra View Medical Center has named Craig McDonald its next vice president and CFO, Valley Voice reported May 2. 

Maine hospital taps new CEO

Melissa Pelkey, RN, was selected as the new CEO of Lincoln, Maine-based Penobscot Valley Hospital.