Franklin, Tenn.-based Community Health Systems has entered into a definitive agreement to transfer the lease of AllianceHealth Seminole (Okla.) to SSM Health Oklahoma.
Exeter (N.H.) Health Resources has signed a letter of intent to affiliate with Cambridge Mass.-based Beth Israel Lahey Health, Seacoastonline reported March 15.
Pipeline Health has signed a letter of intent to sell its two Illinois hospitals to a Michigan-based company for $92 million, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
The prospective buyer of two shuttered Pennsylvania hospitals has filed a motion to end litigation to purchase the facilities, The Daily Local reported March 8.
Following rumors that Grand Forks, N.D.-based Altru Health System may be acquired after the sudden departure of President Steven Weiser, MD, the system’s new CEO told the Grand Forks Herald in a March 5 article that Altru is not for sale.
Morristown, N.J.-based Atlantic Health System has purchased Immediate Care’s seven urgent care locations from CentraState Healthcare System, Atlantic Health said March 3.
As you know from reading Becker’s each day, more physicians than ever are entering into partnerships with larger organizations, as evidenced by 30 orthopedic group transactions during 2021, doubling the number of orthopedic group “investor platforms” f…
The CEO of Care New England said the health system is resilient after the Federal Trade Commission and state attorney general’s rejection of its proposed merger with Lifespan, both based in Providence, R.I., The Boston Globe reported March 1.