Memorial Hospital at Gulfport (Miss.) has laid off Chas Pierce, vice president of system development, and Chief Medical Officer Mark Gilbert, MD, hospital CEO Kent Nicaud confirmed to the Sun Herald April 5.
Eight studies or abstracts led by a former Harvard professor and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ophthalmologist were retracted by three medical journals over issues with critical oversight approvals for the research, The Boston Globe reporte…
Boone (Iowa) County Hospital’s CEO and CFO both have plans to retire around the same time the hospital’s contract with QHR Health, a Brentwood, Tenn.-based management and consulting firm, expires, according to the Ames Tribune.
COVID-19 caused us to re-engineer how we live our lives — everything from how we celebrate holidays, to how we get married and honor our deceased loved ones. The pandemic is forcing us to rethink how we map the financial dynamics of hospitals as leader…