Category: Leadership & Management

Being CEO can take its toll

The CEO role provides the opportunity to play a role in shaping organizational culture and comes with various advantages. However, the challenges and pressures associated with the position can also be hazardous to the individual’s health, Callum Borche…

Meet the 24-year-old running a Colorado hospital

At age 22, Aidan Hettler didn’t expect to get the job.

The most 'overrated' CEOs, per CEOs

A cross-industry survey of CEOs conducted by Fortune pinpoints the leaders who they feel receive too much or too little credit. 

The No. 1 problem still keeping hospital CEOs up at night

Hospital CEOs ranked workforce challenges as their No. 1 concern in 2023. Financial challenges, which held the top spot for 16 consecutive years prior to 2021, were listed the second-most pressing concern in the American College of Healthcare Executive…

Cleveland Clinic's chief of staff on the dynamic role

Beri Ridgeway, MD, is familiar with the variability and intensity of the chief of staff role. 

Michigan's newest health system sends a message: 'We matter'

Angie McConnachie, the CEO of Marlette, Mich.-based UnitedHealthcare Partners, is the daughter of a farmer. She married a farmer. Her husband comes from a family of farmers. And one thing about farmers, Ms. McConnachie told Becker’s: They’re not going …

What Texas Children's CEO has learned in 35 years at the helm

Mark A. Wallace has served in a leadership role in Houston-area hospitals for more than four decades, giving him a front seat to healthcare’s evolution as well as changes in the state and at his organization.

Health system CEOs deploy disruptive care models to thrive

Health systems learned how to adapt quickly and embrace change over the last few years to care for patients during the pandemic, and overcome financial challenges that followed. Now, CEOs want to upend the status quo to stay relevant.

This 19-year CEO's succession plan: No 'Lone Rangers'

George Hernandez Jr. has been the CEO of University Health since 2005, but the job has never grown dull. In fact, he told Becker’s it still gives him a “high” and that he would probably do it even if he were not paid. 

What dual C-suite roles are most common in healthcare?

Roles in which executives who already lead a region or facility take a second, dual position within the enterprise continue to make their way into hospital and health system C-suites, and these roles vary depending on factors such as the organization’s…