Unlike other major hospitals in Southeast Michigan that self-fund dozens of medical residents and fellows, all 79 residents are expected to be funded by the CMS because Detroit Medical Center has room under its federal resident reimbursement cap…
HHS and hospitals will argue before the U.S. Supreme Court this week over whether HHS violated the law when it recalculated the Medicare DSH payment formula without seeking public comment.
A federal judge in California blocked Trump administration rules, which would allow more employers to opt out of providing women with no-cost birth control, from taking effect in 13 states and Washington, D.C.
Some hospitals have turned to a bold strategy to prevent patients from receiving surprise medical bills from out-of-network providers: requiring in-hospital physicians to contract with the same insurers as the hospital.
Children’s hospital administrators are concerned the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could cut into their fundraising revenue by reducing the financial incentive to give to charities.
John Couris thinks leaders in the healthcare industry should think big or go home. During his first year as CEO of Tampa (Fla.) General Hospital, the region’s largest safety-net facility, Couris has given his staff implicit instructions and a road…
Let’s acknowledge that the CMS star-rating system spurs activities that raise costs without improving outcomes and begin rethinking the concept of quality measurement in healthcare.