The CDC says hospitals saw a lot more emergency cases involving drug overdoses, as well as mental health crises and suicide attempts. Many emergency departments weren’t ready.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services now recommends that visitors and residents, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, be allowed to meet in person under most circumstances.
In its final days, the Trump administration created a rule that could eliminate thousands of regulations created by the Department of Health and Human Services. A lawsuit is challenging the rule.
Katie Engelhart explores the complexity of physician-assisted death in the book, The Inevitable. She says patients seeking to end their own lives sometimes resort to veterinary drugs from overseas.
If passed, Biden’s relief bill would significantly expand the number of people eligible for federal help in paying their health plan premiums, and would boost the size of those subsidies.
At work every day, Agnes Boisvert attends to ICU patients “gasping for air” and dying from COVID-19. But communicating that harsh reality to her skeptical community has been a challenge.
One Medical is seeing the shutoff of vaccine allocations, new reports of wrongdoing, and a congressional hearing as fallout deepens following NPR’s investigation of its COVID-19 vaccination practices.
Merck traditionally has been a leader in vaccines but has not had success with a COVID-19 vaccine. It’s lending a hand to Johnson & Johnson, where production is running significantly behind schedule.
If you’ve been delaying routine medical care in the past year, now’s the time to catch up, doctors say. The consequences of missing some key screenings and health checkups can be lethal.
Nonwhite Americans looking for care for a loved one are much more likely than whites to encounter discrimination, language barriers, and providers who lack cultural competence, a new report finds.